项目分类 | 商业情景化

珑熙庄园/Longxi Manor

关键词 | 欧洲风情街





    We endow this area with strong European commercial flavor and create "European tour" through commercial scenes. The whole area is divided into six national themes: France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Britain and Germany, and the culture of the six countries is combined with theme stores, scenes, commerce and architecture, allowing consumers to experience the European style and bring them immersive experience.

    Construction Group is a large-scale comprehensive construction enterprise group with rapid development of diversified operations. From the perspective of corporate culture, the commercial street that creates creativity will not only perfectly display the various business nodes, but also highlight the theme atmosphere of the commercial street.

COPYRIGHT (©) 2018 迈恩国际. / 沪ICP备10201016号-1 / 技术支持:上海橙谷